I have decided that parenting has a steep learning curve. You think you're ready for kids and you know just how yours will act. Then you actually get one, and he's nothing like what you thought you'd have. In many ways he's better. Unfortunately, parenting is harder than you thought, and all your preconceived notions of how you were going to parent this "perfect child" don't work. At least that is how my parenting experience has been. Each kid is different (I know, as I now have four!). And you can be sure that between the four of them, all of the qualities on my "My Kid Will Never Be Like That" list can be found in at least one. So now my job is to figure out how to teach these precious kiddos to be responsible, respectful, happy kids and someday adults in a world where those qualities are getting harder to find.
I want to remember my experiences with my kids. I only get to have them once, and I am determined to enjoy it. After all, they are what I've always wanted and what make me the happiest. I decided to record my memories and experiences so that I can remember them later, and so that others can enjoy them with me.
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